探究宕昌地区香菇主栽品种香菇L808菌丝的最佳生长条件和优化其培养基,为甘肃宕昌地区香菇菌种生产企业中母种培养基标准不统一、母种质量参差不齐的现象提供参考,以香菇品种L808为试材,采用单因素试验和L9(34)正交试验的方法,进一步明确香菇L808菌丝的最佳碳源、最佳氮源、最适培养温度、最适培养pH以及优化其培养基配方。结果表明,香菇L808菌种菌丝的最佳生长条件是:最佳碳源为葡萄糖,最佳氮源为牛肉膏,最适培养温度为24 ℃,最适培养pH为6;其最优培养基配方为木屑 75 g/L、葡萄糖20 g/L、琼脂粉18 g/L、马铃薯 220 g/L。
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In view of the phenomenon that the standard of mother seed culture medium is not uniform and the quality of mother culture is uneven in the production enterprises of Lentinula edodes strains in Tanchang area of Gansu Province, the biological characteristics of the mycelium of the main cultivated varieties of Lentinula edodes in Tanchang area and the optimization of its culture medium were explored. With L. edodes variety L808 as test material, the optimum carbon source, nitrogen source, optimum temperature and pH value of L. edodes mycelium were determined by single factor test and orthogonal test L9(34), and the medium formula was optimized. The optimum carbon source, nitrogen source, culture temperature and pH value of Lentinula edodes were glucose, beef extract, 24 °C and 6, respectively. The final optimized formula by orthogonal test was sawdust at 75 g/L, glucose at 20 g/L, agar powder at 18 g/L, and potato at 220 g/L.