冬小麦新品种陇鉴110(原代号B69)为甘肃省农业科学院旱地农业研究所以陇鉴127为母本、94t143-1-3-2为父本进行有性杂交,经过多年采用系谱法选育而成。2013 — 2015年参加甘肃省冬小麦区域试验,2 a 12点(次)平均折合产量为4 783.5 kg/hm2,较对照品种陇育4号增产6.7%;2016年参加甘肃省冬小麦生产试验,平均折合产量为5 442.0 kg/hm2,较对照品种陇育4号增产9.0%。陇鉴110属冬性普通小麦,生育期266~273 d,平均株高95.0 cm,平均穗粒数37粒,平均千粒重为34 g,平均容重为795 g/L。籽粒含粗蛋白(干基)152.2 g/kg、湿面筋393 g/kg,面团稳定时间4.3 min。抗旱、抗寒性强,慢锈性品种。适宜在甘肃省陇东地区与陇中地区种植,也可在宁夏固原市、泾源县及彭阳县等同类型区山旱地种植。
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Longjian 110(the original code of B69) is a newly bred winter wheat cultivar after years of pedigree breeding by parental combination of Longjian 127 with 94t143-1-3-2. In 2013 — 2015, the average yield of 2 a 12(times) is 4 783.5 kg/hm2, compared with the control cultivars Longyu 4 increased by 6.7% in Gansu Winter Wheat Regional Test. In 2016, the average yield is 5 442.0 kg/hm2,compared with the control cultivar Longyu 4 increased by 9.0% in Gansu Winter Wheat Production Test. The growth period of Longjian 110 is 266~273 days, the average plant height is 95.0 cm, the average grain number is 37 grains, the average grain weight is 34 g and the average bulk density is 795 g/L. The grains contained crude protein is 152.2 g/kg and wet gluten is 393 g/kg. The dough formation time is 4.3 min. The result indicates that the drought resistance and cold resistance of Longjian 110 is good. It is the cultivar of high yield and stable yield, slow rust cultiva. It is suitable to be grown in the Eastern and Southern of Gansu province, but also in Ningxia Guyuan city, Jingyuan county and Pengyang county similar ecological conditions in dryland areas.